We take thee for better or for worse, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health…we will be there for you in your time of need…. ah, the familiar words we hear as two parties engage at the beginning of their road together. You’re in it together and promise to stand by...
As an adult, it is likely that you’re at least carrying one insurance policy. Life, renters, auto, home…. In fact, it is very likely that you have multiple policies that provide coverage for each and every aspect of your life. This coverage continues beyond your “stuff” and into your well-being with health insurance. While needed...
Imagine if you had two emails that were worth a million dollars each. You would do everything that you can to protect those emails and ensure that no one deleted them. You would back them up, have multiple copies in place so that if you lost those emails, you would have a quick way to...
There is a rise in awareness with small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) of the threat to their cybersecurity. The problem is, it causes a subsequent rise in a risk factor to Managed Service Providers (MSPs). That risk is of them losing their business. According to a recent report conducted by Continuum and Vanson Bourne, “Underserved...
Filing and Smiling When is the last time that you filed a piece of paper? It used to be that a file cabinet was like your personal bank vault – holding the papers that defined and valued a business. From employee records to bank statements, that file cabinet had everything necessary to keep things humming...
What happens if your computer systems are hacked with ransomware? I think I’m covered by my insurance policy for that…(pause)…you scramble and try to find your policy documentation. It’s here somewhere. I’m sure I’m covered…I mean, I think we’re covered. I better make sure. You email your insurance agent…wait for the declaration page. Try to sort it...
If you are management, and your employee came to you with a proposal, you’d likely (hopefully) listen. What if that employee proposed to you that by keeping business as is, you’d likely lose millions of dollars – and possibly go under? But if you made one small change, you’d increase your odds of staying in...
Tip-Off You know how certain people seemed to have a way of predicting the future? They were ahead of the curve if you want to call it that… those who “got in on a good thing” before anyone else seemed to be aware? Consider this your lucky day, because we’re going to let you in...
Sunday funnies Remember the Jetsons? Robots that cleaned, food choices you tapped into a computer for preparation…moving sidewalks? Flying cars aside, we aren’t too far off from the technology that seemed so unlikely and impossible. The future – it’s here. We live in a day and age where these advancements bring forth so many wonderful...
In the mistaken belief that their companies are not big enough to attract data thieves, small and midsize businesses notoriously resist tightening their IT security, ranking it as a low priority. Yet, when those same SMBs experience a data breach, they sometimes point the finger at their MSPs. Worse, they may file lawsuits and haul...