Can I Get Some Privacy in Here?
If you’re talking about your online data, probably not. While businesses can create policies and procedures that limit the exposure of your private data, those lines are often blurred between professional and personal information.
As a result of this, at least 25 states have laws that address the data security of their private sectors. These laws put the responsibility on the businesses that handle or obtain this data in different ways. Furthering that are additional data security laws that apply to each state’s governmental entities. While 25 states have taken action to date, this does not mean the remaining 25 states will not do so in the future. In fact, this number is double the number of states that had data security laws in 2016.
Safe Data Disposal
In relation to this information, more than 50% of all states have enacted laws around how data is disposed of.
These laws do not cover you in all instances though, so keep in mind, that while the government has taken action to protect your data on a larger level, it is up to you to keep your data safe as well. You can never be too careful or too diligent.
Protect Yourself
A few quick reminders are to dispose of old equipment properly – that means old computers, mobile phones, and tablets. Don’t forget about gaming systems. There is data on EVERYTHING and if you aren’t sure how to wipe it clean, look it up on the internet or call a professional for guidance.
Never repeat passwords – even among different sites and applications. If a hacker obtains your credentials, he or she will try them wherever they can. So just because you didn’t use a particular combination previously, if it was out there at one time, it can be connected in the future.
And finally, do the obvious double-checking on a regular basis. That means look up your credit report, do an internet search of your name or address. Always look at bank and credit card statements.
The laws can protect you on a high level, but once your data is stolen, you’re likely going to be on your own as you take steps to recover what was lost.
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