Cybersecurity is a critical component of business operations and the responsibility of the business and the individual. A recent breach involving TeamViewer’s employee credentials underscores this. This incident serves as a reminder that it’s not solely the domain of the IT department; rather, it requires a concerted effort from every individual within the organization. Each...
Is social engineering that effective? Ask an Uber or Rockstar Games employee that question and you’ll likely hear a resounding yes. This effective mode of duping people within a targeted group or business was the method that one hacker used to hit both companies with a breach. Just how effective is it? In 2021, the...
Back-to-school time is in full swing and imagine if the only threat that schools faced would be running out of tissues during sniffle season? Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. A cyberattack warning from the FBI, CISA, and MS-ISAC has been issued indicating that cybersecurity “attacks may increase as the 2022/2023 school year begins and criminal...
As an MSP, your clients know you’re there to “take care of the computers”. The scenario is often (but not always) that they have their job to do, and you’ll hear from them when there’s an issue that prevents that from happening. Regardless of their level of insight or knowledge of technology, they likely know...
We take thee for better or for worse, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health…we will be there for you in your time of need…. ah, the familiar words we hear as two parties engage at the beginning of their road together. You’re in it together and promise to stand by...
Everyone is doing it, right? It seems every day we see one successful match-up after the other on our newsfeed from Instagram to Facebook, and everywhere in between. And since it is now February, the month known for celebrating perfect partnerships, we thought, hey, let’s put ourselves out there! Tell Me a Little Bit About...
Our recent launch of the Baseline Employee Cybersecurity Assessment provides MSPs with a new tool to add to their prospecting and baseline risk detection efforts. As an MSP, it gives you the opportunity to show prospects and clients that human security plays a key role in protecting their organization and that without proper ongoing training,...
It’s holiday blockbuster season! The time of year when the big screens are full of movie releases that are expected to pull in the crowds that want to watch Marvel and DC Comic heroes unite to save the world. They come from all realms to fight the dark forces that threaten humanity. Together they will...
We often discuss the proactive approach that you should take when it comes to cybersecurity. Security risk assessments will identify the gaps, ongoing training will help to strengthen the human risk factor, and tools like Catch Phish will keep the team engaged and learning along with those training programs. But the fact is, you can’t...
Do Your Healthcare Clients Need an Annual Check-Up? As a Managed Service Provider, you’re in the business of keeping other businesses running. Which vertical they are in, or what products and services they provide may not be the most pressing detail. Unless you’re talking about healthcare. There are two common views when it comes to...